Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brian Oakley needs to study if taxing the poor is a good idea

The NDP's biggest cheerleader this side of Hi there and Orange isn't sure if lowering taxes for the poor is a good idea or not. Oh, and Hugh is bad.
Given a chance to answer a direct question, Oakley did what he always does - ducked for cover.
Here's the simple answer - lower taxes for the working poor is a great idea. More money in our pockets, more for the economy, less for the bottomless pit that is NDP social spending.
And the great property tax credit? Tell that to everyone who doesn't own a house.
Taxing the poor - the NDP's great legacy.

1 comment:

  1. but....but....

    According to Mr.Oakley, an Ikea and Wal-Mart opening up are signs of economic strength and prosperity brought on solely by the NDP Government.

    Isn't that worth something??
