Friday, September 30, 2011

But wait... despite poll numbers...

Some ndpers think they are in trouble.
From Rabble... a poster comments on the ndp...

First off, how was that post a contradiction of my preference that local ridings be allowed to choose their own candidates?
Secondly, if there is anything the federal election taught us, it's that there is no such thing as a "safe seat." Elmwood-Transcona, held by the NDP in 1993, was a "safe NDP seat." If you go a couple hours down the road to Brandon East, that seat was also held by the NDP in 1988, but there is a realistic chance that it could fall out of the NDP column this time around. Besides, maybe Elmwood residents will get tired of Maloway (nobody on the public news boards seems to like him, if that is any indication) but at the same time, maybe some of the southern MLAs, like Kerri Irvin-Ross and Erin Selby have worked hard enough that they will win their seats. Who knows?



    You win elections by winning seats!

    You can get 100% of the votes in seven ridings in southern MB and you are still the loser.

    Seat projection for Oct 4/11
    NDP - 36
    pc - 20
    Libs - 1

    It appears Hughie a been a miserable excuse of a PC leader!

  2. Wow, the WPG Sun endorsed Hughie but as much declared the NDP winners.

    It appears Selinger is as popular as Doer.

  3. What union r u in? I can hear your smiling through the net. Mark my words in four years we are going to be losing 4000 a year to sask and Alberta. Glad your urban life is so great. The screwing over of rural mb is a crime and you are celebrating. Urban union good times do not make a province and when sask laps us we all lose.
    Question - how much more will the union make on the longer bipole iii line?

  4. Sorry BRBlog, the election will tell us if Manitobans are happy with the course the NDP has us on.
    As far as Bipole3, you have to remember McFadyen had a 12 point lead in the polls when he went on his Bipole push a few months ago and the more he pushed for the east side the further down the polls he went.

    Bipole cost McFadyen the election! If you add those 12 points onto todays polls, it's a PC majority.

  5. "Some ndpers think they are in trouble."

    So? Defensive pessimism is a defining trait of the modern Anglo-American centre-left.
