Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mb fails at health care

http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/Report-gives-Manitoba-D-grade-for-wait-times-159601045.html The rationing of health care continues. It's a great system unless you need it It's especially great if you work for a health authority. If you need help? Sorry... You've got a long wait ahead. Or if you can't wait, you can go to another country. But hey, Canada's free health care is still best, right? Right?


  1. I agree!
    We can only hope Harper will move to Americanize our healthcare system as quickly as possible. He as spoke about it since his early political days in Alberta and now is the time to ram it though when nobody can stop him.
    I miss the good old days of Filmon/McFadyen chopping healthcare in Manitoba and firing kitchen staff and feeding patients frozen food. Nobody has the balls to shut down hospitals like us Conservative/PC/Reformers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree. Since only three countries share our model of health care - Cuba and North Korea being the other two - we're in great company, and should be proud to be first out of three countries.
    Of course all of Europe has better health care then us, and they allow a mix of private and public, but better to attack the American style of health care, even though many rich Canadians - including many Liberals and NDPers - travel there for health care.
    It's much better to have long wait lines and have only gov union members slowly dish our health care. And it's so sustainable too! Only sucks up 50 per cent of most provincial budgets. Roads and schools don't need funding, right?

  4. That's right Blue Rod. Es ist egal, dass die Menschen nicht mehr leisten kann American style healthcare aber Harper unserem Chef will es. Zur Hölle mit den durchschnittlichen Kanadischen.
