Thursday, January 27, 2011

Orange Rod (incorrectly) predicting the future again

After (falsely) predicting the NDP would win the recent federal byelection, he is now predicting a massive win by the NDP even though their polling numbers are heading straight down and they are entering a deficit AFTER a recession.
He also goes on to insult rural Manitoba and the people who support the PC Party. Apparently people outside Wpg are "fringe"
Oh, and he's pulling a "Hugh" by claiming he has great inside knowledge on the Jets returning to Wpg. Four years ago that was silly, but now apparently it's a great idea.
The ol' Orange Rod sure looks down his nose at people who don't share his POV on life.
As a "NDP insider", it makes you wonder what Selinger and Co. think...


  1. Have you seen the Orange Rod's posting about having "inside information" about the NHL expanding to 34 teams in a couple of years?

    Haha...too funny.

  2. i have seen that post. His posts come across as being from a young, idealistic and naive university student, fully embracing the NDP doctrine
    as if a NDP volunteer would have "inside info" on the NHL...

  3. Here's a gem from the WFP Comments section (Jan. 2011):

    "The reality is, Christians claim to be all high and mighty but they don't always show it. Many are hypocrites , and many of the churches that were part of this group preach the "prosperity gospel". Many of these churches teach lies about the history of the universe, preaching about creationism and other fairy tales. Many churches hate on homosexuals , atheists , and support the spanking ( I say abuse ) of children. There is NO ROOM in our society for this stuff. Ask those in residential schools how churches treated them. Or ask those victims of priests who molested children how the church was good for them ? The churches call these crimes " sins " , but I call them crimes , because that is what they are. "

    source: source:


    From the Orange Rod (summer 2010):

    "First, lets get something out into the open here. I am a happy Jewish girl from a Jewish home. Yesterday's post attacking Marty Gold has somehow been interpreted as "Jew Bashing". I would never attack someone for their beliefs. EVER."



    Funny thing is you don't even need to argue with this person. Given them a long enough rope, and they will find a way to hang themselves with

  4. Pretty much
    for someone who claims to be an NDP insider, I sure wouldn't want that person spouting off what she is apparently saying.
    She really does sound too young to know any better.

  5. "He also goes on to insult rural Manitoba"

    I think you should change that to "she". Just a feeling.
