Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January... time for a post

Well here we are. It's January. The NDP are laying the groundwork for breaking a lot of their election promises by saying things are in fact worse than they thought. Apparently they only realized right before Christmas (when people could care less) that there was a flood and it affected Manitoba's bottom line.
They didn't apparently know this during the election.
Which is bull.
They lied to us.
Look, Hugh ran a campaign that was socialist drivel. He's lucky he won his seat. But at least he was honest enough to say the books were probably worse than the NDP was letting on.
And now, after they won, so are they.
They were talking floor last January, but were surprised by the costs?
That makes them either bad planners or inept. Which is it?
Ah, that's better... and be sure to keep reading the Black Rod for the real story behind that White Elephant that is the Human Rights Museum. What a joke that's turning out to be.


  1. Welcome back, Blue Rod. Yes, the NDP lied to us. They also ran one of the dirtiest campaigns in Manitoba election history. However, I guess nice guys finish last, and Hugh was never a born leader. Selinger has the charm of a used car salesman, but I guess that's what Winnipeggers want.

  2. ... I think that is what Winnipeger's _get_, but not what they want. See my blog post on the election results from a couple weeks back, add in some apathy, some Liberals who choose not to vote, and tell me again it is what we actually want.

    Naw. Its this stupid electoral system. Divine Rights through first past the post splitting and weirdness, s'all.
