Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blues rods blog - a waste of cyber space

OK not posting much, but I will post on this dolt. All this guy is is a NDP staffer or some U of W student who's proficient with photoshop. Instead of engaging in reasoned, educated debate, he resorts to name calling and silly posters. He's also likely been banned by the WFP and had to change his name more than once. Much like that spoiled brat in the senate, he's likely a silver spoon socialist. Frankly he's a waste of time and every time he posts something,  you can be sure he did it giggling like the imature child he really is.
The left want to save the world - he should start by not wasting energy on his useless posts, or bone up and bring some facts to the debate. Right now all he is is a kid wasting everyone's time.


  1. Wow, the rightwing hatred of students (who aren't family trust-fund generationally wealthy Tory fratboys) never ceases to amaze me.

    I still don't get why your sub-title mandate is focused on a no longer existing blog.

  2. Wow left wing hatred of someone who wants a real debate, not childish pranks. Sorry I haven't updated my blog... And that it bothers you.

  3. Jeez Blue Rod Blog...I love you too!

    Check out my blog tomorrow, It's about Hughie's CWB boner.

    One of my favs.

  4. You are intellectually beneath me so no thanks. Also I'm wondering when provinces became responsible forbthe cwb. Oh that's right, never. The ndp hate rural mb and only care about the leeches in downtown wpg who make a living off the hard work of others. The union way I guess. Have fun with your ms paint

  5. ... but... he has Beer...


    Hey, Blues Rods Blogs, Analyst, let's chill on the Blue Rod Singular, yeah? It important to have him active, especially now.

    I think.


  6. I find it interesting that the Tories created a website posing as the NDP.
    It reminded me of you creating your blog to imitate mine and only changing one letter (S) to confuse people.
    Why don't you and Hughie just join the NDP if you want to be like NDP'ers?
